Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unfortunatly we did not go camping this summer... mainly I didn't want to have to deal with being up all night, and second I would have to save olivers life like a 100 times from the fire and if we were to camping or near water... he is a wild man. Me and Ry decided to go up American fork canyon and do a camp fire, it turned out good and Oliver stayed mostly away from the fire. We were right next to water and he thought that was pretty cool. One of Oliver's favorite things is the dogs they are his best friends!! he would prob live in there dog run with them if we let him! in one of the pictures Ryan worked really hard this summer to landscape his yard. he planted 13 trees and they look awesome!

1 comment:

The Tavares' said...

I can't believe how big Ollie is! And that we've never met him!! You all looks great and it looks like you guys are having tons of fun :D